The long-standing benefits of salt baths.
The long-standing benefits of salt baths.
Since the time of Ancient civilisations, various cultures and groups of people have used salts for therapy. Since the beginning, Dead Sea salts have been used in numerous forms, soaking, as creams, soaps, scrubs and wraps, just as it is used today. The minerals found in bath salts are critical nutrients for our bodies, which are often not absorbed or poorly absorbed from our food. As a result, salts are said to have benefits when used as bath soaks due to the skin's absorption of nutritive elements.
For over 2000 years, people have reported the health benefits bath salts deliver when used as a soak or treatment. These range from slightly crazy claims like they help your libido to scientific studies that show certain bath salts can be used to alleviate symptoms of inflamed skin, eczema, psoriasis and arthritis. Bath salts have even been consistently referred to in the Bible as a healing source in both the New and Old Testaments.
So just how bath salts work has long occupied the minds of both advocates and critics. For many years there was debate about whether the minerals from bath salts could be absorbed into the human skin through soaking. Many claimed it did happen, and some disagreed altogether. In contrast, others said that it is the combination of the salts and the sun's ultraviolet radiation, which is why the Israeli beach vacation cure works.
Luckily, in 2006 Rosemary Waring (a British biochemist at the University of Birmingham) ended the debate. She undertook scientific work which proved that magnesium is well absorbed by the skin through bathing. Waring measured this by measuring magnesium and sulphate in the blood and urine before and after people had bathed in Epsom salts. She found them to be higher after the baths – with 16 out of 19 people having more magnesium and sulphate in their blood after the baths than before. This has proven that the minerals from bath salts can be absorbed into the human skin, which explains how they might work.
According to many of the world's leading magnesium researchers, most Australians do not get enough magnesium from their diets, a problem that causes a range of health risks. Nationally we have an enormous deficit. The lack of magnesium, which is even more severe among the elderly, could cause health issues, such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis (where plaque builds up inside your arteries), high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, inflammatory conditions and nervous disorders. Magnesium has said to be like a gatekeeper, and without it, you upset the energy cycle within your body. Researchers used to say magnesium regulates more than 300 enzymes in the body; however, they have now realised it's more like 600 or more.
Dead Sea, Himalayan, and Epsom Salts contain lots of minerals that are critical nutrients for our bodies listed below, which are often not absorbed, or poorly absorbed, from our food:
Magnesium: aids sleep and relaxation, promotes quick healing of skin tissue and provides the skin's surface with anti-allergic elements essential for cell metabolism.
Bromide: soothes skin, relaxes body muscles and calms nerves.
Chloride: combines with hydrogen in the stomach to make hydrochloric acid a powerful digestive enzyme.
Sodium: relieves stiffness and muscle cramps. Also, a detoxifying agent, helping cells retain nourishment and expel waste.
Calcium: an essential mineral known to strengthen bones and teeth, and cell membranes, also cleanses pores.
Potassium: helps balance moisture in the skin and body, aiding in the reduction of water retention and the nourishment of cells. It also regulates the nervous system.
Iodine: essential for the correct function of the thyroid gland and aids metabolic exchanges
Sulfur: is a natural disinfectant and detoxifying agent that works with the liver to rid the body of toxins.
Zinc: when applied topically, zinc is known to boost the immune system.
So what are the actual benefits of using salts such as Epsom Salts and Himalayan Pink Salt?
Epsom Salts
Many medical specialists and researchers promote the ability of magnesium sulfate to be absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths a safe and easy way to increase the body's levels of these essential minerals.
Epsom salts are favoured by athletes to relieve aching muscles. The healing effects of Epsom salt have been known for hundreds of years. The mineral is known to aid with relaxation, muscle recovery, inflammation, magnesium deficiency, and even relief from skin conditions. Studies have shown that magnesium and sulphate are easily absorbed through the skin. This makes soaking or floating an ideal way to boost your magnesium levels yielding the health benefits it offers.
Epsom salt is different from traditional salt in that it's actually a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate and is technically known as magnesium sulfate. It's composed of tiny, colourless crystals that look like table salt, but it's actually a completely different thing, as table salt is made up of sodium chloride. Many doctors and researchers say that when you soak in an Epsom salt bath, magnesium and sulfate can be absorbed through the skin and recommend it as a safe, easy way to increase the body's magnesium and sulphate levels.
Magnesium sulfate is a mineral that many of us lack, as levels have decreased over the last three to four decades around the world. The lack of this vital nutrient in our bodies is due to a combination of issues, including over development of agricultural land that leaches essential minerals like magnesium and other trace elements from the soil, the overuse of prescription medications, the consumption of processed and fast foods, and more. All these things take a toll, depleting our body of magnesium, one of the reasons Epsom salt can be an essential part of improving one's health. It's also a natural anti-inflammatory and exfoliant that can treat muscle aches and dry skin.
Benefits of Epsom Salts:
Ease stress and relax the body
The magnesium in Espom salts, once absorbed by the skin, has been said to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the body, to create a feeling of calm and relaxation. In addition, magnesium has been linked to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy packets made in the cells. Many say regular soaking in Epsom salts will help you feel better and gain more energy.
Relieve pain and muscle cramps
Many athletes, personal trainers, and gym junkies swear by soaking in Epsom salts to ease muscle pain and reduce inflammation. Many athletes and amateur athletes soak in Epsom salts following physical activity to relieve muscle pain and promote recovery.
Helps muscles and nerves function properly
Studies show that Epsom salt can help regulate electrolytes in your body, ensuring proper muscles, nerves, and enzymes function correctly. Magnesium is also critical in the appropriate use of calcium, which serves as a primary conductor of the electric impulses in your body. Those with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions can benefit from reduced swelling and pain relief from an Epsom salt bath.
Eliminate toxins from the body
The sulphates in Epson salts have been claimed to have a detoxifying effect on the body (through flushing toxins and heavy metals from the skin) and improve nerve function by encouraging proper regulation of electrolytes. An Epsom salt soak is also said to promote the detoxification of drugs remaining in the body after surgery.
Himalayan Pink Salt
From their origin in the Himalayan Mountains, Himalayan pink salts are distinguished by their pretty pink colour and ability to relieve soreness. It is a rock salt gathered from ancient seas and is, therefore, one of the purest sea salts and one of the best sources of natural minerals on the planet, containing upwards of 84 minerals. These minerals include calcium, magnesium, copper and iron, each with its own health benefits. Aside from beautification, Himalayan salts have long been used medicinally, mainly to help treat aching muscles and pain.
Benefits of Himalayan Salts
Relieves stress and tension
Data suggests that the experience of being in the bath for even ten minutes can help ease body tension and boost emotional health and wellbeing. Those who are fans of Himalayan salt baths believe that as this kind of salt can charge up negative ions in the air, salt therapy further contributes to those feelings of calm.
Helps the body absorb magnesium
Magnesium is essential for the body and has many jobs, including helping turn food into energy, soothing sore muscles and pain, and helping your nervous system to stay regulated. As most Himalayan bath salt products contain magnesium (found naturally in the salt), it stands to reason that this can benefit your body. A study showed that the body could absorb magnesium through its skin cells, meaning that a Himalayan salt bath could help ease pain and get your body the magnesium sulfate it needs.
Improve the quality of skin
Himalayan salt is said to clean and purify pores and make skin smoother and suppler. As a salt, it has antimicrobial properties, so it can help heal psoriasis, eczema and acne. This isn't just a pink Himalayan salt but an Epsom salt bath. It has the self-healing powers to help bring relief to itchy skin and reduce redness and body soreness associated with skin flare-ups.
Inflammatory diseases
Himalayan salts are also said to positively affect common skin conditions such as dry skin, psoriasis and acne, as well as heal rashes, blisters and insect bites.
Prevent muscle cramping and soreness
Soaking in warm salty water can soothe cramping, aches and pain. The minerals from Pink Himalayan Salts can help improve blood circulation, which reduces inflammation and serves as a general muscle relaxant – this is mainly due to the potassium and bromide. Interestingly, Himalayan Salts are said to alleviate the symptoms of PMS.
Regulate sleep and decrease stress
Like other bath salts, Himalayan Salts are linked to better sleep and reduced stress. Bathing in salty water is an excellent way to achieve deep relaxation. Himalayan Salts are a feast of minerals for the skin and assist with reducing stress, calming the mind and balancing emotions.
So what are you waiting for? Salty bathing in warm or cold water, 2-3 times per week, can deliver many health benefits, enhance your skin and give you a healthy glow.